Sunday, November 26, 2006

Increase your Benefits - Get Divorced or Stay Single!

The Mail on Sunday carried a story today on page 5, about a young married couple, freshly off their honeymoon, who went into their local Job Centre to sort out their benefits now that they were married.

The couple, who are in their early 40s were out of work for different reasons. The wife had to give up her job to enable her to look after her elderly and infirm parents, and the husband had suffered a nervouse breakdown after working for the same engineering firm for 20 years. He had in fact lived off his savings for much of the time he had been signed off work due to his health problems, rather than claiming any money from the government!

When the company then went to their local job centre to seek advice on how being married would affect their benefits, they were told by a government welfare official 'You'd get more money if you split up.'!!

Ironically, the newly married wife is training to be a marriage guidance counsellor!

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