The photography is courtesy of Dorset Wedding Photographer – Courtenay Photographic Ltd

Mrs2Be® aims to make the whole wedding planning experience a less stressful, more enjoyable one.
The problem with the low fat diet is that people now buy so called “low fat” products, what they don’t realise is if the fat has been removed from something then the manufacturers add all sorts of flavourings and sugar and basically whatever they can to still make that product taste nice.
There was a fantastic BBC 3 documentary recently with Zoe Salmon called “The big fat truth about low fat foods” she basically ate only low fat foods for 4 weeks. At the end of the 4 weeks I think she had lost 2 lbs in weight but her skin looked awful and she said that she felt awful always hungry and always tired. The show also showed you some of the ingredients which were used in things like Weight Watchers puddings and the ingredients definitely didn’t come from food. If you get the chance to watch it please do.
Margarine is a man made product and is only a few chemicals away from being plastic, so the information now is to eat butter – preferably organic butter, because at least that is a natural product. To cook we should be using coconut oil.
Coconut oil is really good for you, it was once believed to be a “bad fat” by doctors as it contains 90% of its fat from saturated fat. I need to tell you though not all saturated fats are the same. The saturated fat within coconut oil will not raise your cholesterol levels.
I am going to try and keep this simple, the saturated fat within coconut oil comes from Lauric acid and the only other place you will find this naturally is from breast milk. The human body converts this and it works as a fantastic defence against lots of common diseases.
Best of all coconut oil helps your metabolic chain and helps boost your thyroid. So in short it will help you lose weight and boost your immune system. Not bad eh!
So if you want a dollop of butter on your corn on the cob – go ahead, its fine. Dress your salads with olive oil and cook with coconut oil.
Remember we need fat in our diet, to make us healthy and glowing!
If you have any questions please get in touch I would love to hear from you.
Zara Groves
There are a wide number of wedding venues around the country that provide you with the space to get married in, or the space to put up a marquee in, however these venues are often family homes or have another main uses and so the owners or managers have limited involvement and will simply provide you with the space you need.
Nicky from Blue Leaf Event Hire says:
“There are a number items that couples need to be aware of, so that if their supplier doesn’t mention them, they will know that they may still need them."Arms are yet another area of a ladies body that are often kept hidden, usually by totally covering up or wearing the trusty pashmina. How nice it would be, to have the choice, (when you are attending an occasion that requires dressing up in a gorgeous dress) – sleeves or no sleeves!
Ladies consistently state,( when I am asking them to lift weights) “I don’t want to get big muscles like Arnold Schwarzenegger”. If you ladies knew just how hard you would have to train, how heavy your weights need to be and how strict your diet would have to be to even come close to having huge muscles you would never utter that sentence again.
What you need to remember is:
Do you want to use weights to tone your upper body? To get results with your muscles you need to push them. If you are using piddly weights believing massive repetitions is the way to go, you will need to change.
You need to use the correct weights! This is achieved by selecting weights which require you to push yourself. If you have been told to do 10 reps, by the time you are getting to number 6 you should be thinking that you are not going to be able to complete the 10, but with determination you achieve your goal. It is then you have got the correct weight to gain the results you are seeking.
In addition to training your arms and achieving the toned look, you have to train your chest (yes, the dreaded push) and also your back. In comparison to your arm muscles, your chest and back muscles are huge.
I have added a 10 minute workout for your upper body to help you below.
Remember though if you are not eating healthy nutritious food then your body is not going to change. The saying “you are what you eat” is so true. So here are 5 easy healthy changes that you can make which will make a huge difference.
1. Swap your normal white potatoes for sweet potatoes.
2. Swap your orange cordial for water with slices of oranges – get a jug, slice the oranges and leave. The longer the oranges are left in the water the more flavor they create.
3. Swap your coffee/tea for fruit tea or red bush tea (this is tough to start but so rewarding)
4. Swap your cooking oil for coconut oil.
5. Swap your sugar for Sweet Freedom or Agave
These are all small changes and not noticeable (well apart from the caffeine) but they will have a massive impact on your nutrition.
If you have any questions you want to ask me please get in touch, the quickest way to get a response is via twitter and second is facebook.
Zara Groves